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Q: What was the union strategy of the battle of Hampton roads?
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Where was the US Civil War Battle of Hampton Roads fought?

The Battle of Hampton Roads was fought over the two day period spanning March 8-9, 1862 in Hampton Roads. Hampton Roads is basically a ship dock in Virginia where the James River meets the Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers right outside Chesapeake Bay. It was the first time in naval warfare that two ironclads met in battle. As an aside the sinking of Union ships at Hampton Roads by the CSS Virginia caused a delay in the Union's Peninsula campaign.

What navy won the US Civil War naval battle of Hampton Roads?

On March 8th to March 9th, the ironclad CSS Virginia began to destroy Union ships at Hampton Roads. The wooden Union warships were assisting in the Union's Peninsula campaign. The CSS Virginia did considerable damage to Union warships. On the 9th, the Union ironclad, the USS Monitor enters Hampton Roads and engages the CSS Virginia. Each ship absorbs damage and the battle never begins the next day. The naval battle is considered a draw. It was the first time in history that two ironclads fought each other.

What were the major naval battles of the civil war?

The most notable naval battle in the US Civil War was the Battle of Hampton Roads on March 8th and 9th of 1862. In this battle it was the first time in naval war history that two ironclad warships fought each other. The battle was important as Union warships were sent to Hampton Roads to support General McClellan's Peninsula campaign. The Confederate ironclad the CSS Virginia engaged Union warships and basically either sunk them or set them afire. The Union had sent their new ironclad, The USS Monitor to challenge the Virginia. The battle was basically a draw.

Where did the ironclad take place in civil war?

The battle of the ironclads(Virginia vs. Monitor) took place off of Hampton Roads,Va. on March 8th and 9th 1862.March 8th was the Virginia attacking several Union ships in the area,then on the 9th the Monitor showed up and the two ironclads fought each other.The battle was a draw.

Is it true that the USS Monitor defeated the Merrimack at Hampton Roads in the Civil War's first battle of the ironclads?

During the US Civil War, the first sea battle in history between two ironclads happened at Hampton Roads. on March 9, 1862. The Union ironclad was the USS Monitor, and the Southern ironclad was the CSS Virginia. The Virginia had been the USS Merrimack, but it was half scuttled at Norfolk and rebuilt as a Southern ironclad. Technically the battle was a draw. With that said, the US navy saw that cannon fire from the Virginia made serious dents in parts of the Monitor and feared another battle. That never happened as the Virginia was scuttled by the South to prevent it from falling into Union hands. Many ironclads based on the Monitor model were built by the Union.

Related questions

Which ship defeated the Merrimac at the Battle of Hampton Roads?

The Union warship USS Monitor defeated the Confederate warship USS Merrimack in the Battle of Hampton Roads. This is also known as the Battle of the Ironclads.

Where was the US Civil War Battle of Hampton Roads fought?

The Battle of Hampton Roads was fought over the two day period spanning March 8-9, 1862 in Hampton Roads. Hampton Roads is basically a ship dock in Virginia where the James River meets the Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers right outside Chesapeake Bay. It was the first time in naval warfare that two ironclads met in battle. As an aside the sinking of Union ships at Hampton Roads by the CSS Virginia caused a delay in the Union's Peninsula campaign.

Who was the leader of the union in the battle of the ironclads?

Captain John L. Worden was the Commander of the USS Monitor at the Battle of Hampton Roads against the Virginia.

What navy won the US Civil War naval battle of Hampton Roads?

On March 8th to March 9th, the ironclad CSS Virginia began to destroy Union ships at Hampton Roads. The wooden Union warships were assisting in the Union's Peninsula campaign. The CSS Virginia did considerable damage to Union warships. On the 9th, the Union ironclad, the USS Monitor enters Hampton Roads and engages the CSS Virginia. Each ship absorbs damage and the battle never begins the next day. The naval battle is considered a draw. It was the first time in history that two ironclads fought each other.

What was the totle number of union ships in the battle of Hampton roads in?

6: Monitor, Congress, Cumberland, Roanoke, Minnesota, and St. Lawrence

What became the main naval strategy of the South after the Battle of Hampton Roads?

After the naval Battle of Hampton Roads, the South changed its naval strategy. It had hoped that ironclads such as the CSS Virginia would be an offensive threat to the Union, however building large ironclads in Memphis or earlier in New Orleans, took to long. Also, importing any great number of them from Europe was also costly. With that said, the South turned towards a more defensive naval strategy. It was decided that home built, small and shallow drafted and amour plated vessels would serve as deterrents to the Union blockade. The Confederate navy laid down plans for 40 such vessels, however, only 20 were actually built.

What was the significance of the Battle of Hampton Roads?

Ironclad ships were used for the first time.

Where did the iron -clad arrived at to battle a confederate iron-clad called the merrimack?

On 9 March 1862, the Confederate ironclad Merrimack and the Union ironclad Monitor did battle near Hampton Roads, Virginia in the Atlantic

What were the major naval battles of the civil war?

The most notable naval battle in the US Civil War was the Battle of Hampton Roads on March 8th and 9th of 1862. In this battle it was the first time in naval war history that two ironclad warships fought each other. The battle was important as Union warships were sent to Hampton Roads to support General McClellan's Peninsula campaign. The Confederate ironclad the CSS Virginia engaged Union warships and basically either sunk them or set them afire. The Union had sent their new ironclad, The USS Monitor to challenge the Virginia. The battle was basically a draw.

How many soldiers died in the battle of Hampton roads?

in the union, 261 ppl killed, 108 injured, they also had 1 frigate sunk, one sloop-of-war sunk and one frigate damaged. the confederacy had 7 killed and 17 ppl injured. they also had one ironclad damaged. PS i know this cause i had a research paper to do of the battle of Hampton roads. ;)

Who fought to a draw at Hampton Roads Virginia in the Civil War?

The union ironclad warship USS Monitor and the ironclad Merrimack, renamed the CSS Virginia fought an inconclusive duel in Hampton Roads in 1862. They never met again. It was the first battle between two armoured ships and sent shockwaves round the world.

How many union ships did the Merrimac sink?

The Merrimac sunk 2 ships in the Hampton Roads.