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Q: What was the type of discrimination that the Chinese immigrants faced?
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After beign forced from the mines whst type of jobs did chinese immigrants take on?

After being forced from the mines, the Chinese immigrants took on jobs on the sugar plantations.

Which type of discrimination did both women and Mexican American face?

Women and Mexican Americans faced both gender discrimination and racial discrimination in society. Women were often faced with barriers in terms of equal pay and opportunities, while Mexican Americans encountered systemic racism and exclusion from economic and social opportunities.

What type of discrimination ethnicities did Sioux Indians face?

Sioux Indians and all Native Americans faced and continue to face countless acts of every type of discrimination there is! If the US government owes any race anything...they owe the American Indian the most!

Is the easiest type of lending discrimination for regulators to prove and the most difficult for lenders to defend?

Yes, disparate treatment is the easiest type of lending discrimination for regulators to prove because it involves intentional discrimination based on a protected characteristic. Lenders may have a harder time defending against this type of discrimination as it is more straightforward to demonstrate.

What is the most common type of discrimination?

The most common type of discrimination is often based on race or ethnicity, followed by discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, and age. Discrimination can manifest in various forms such as unequal treatment, harassment, or exclusion based on these characteristics.

immigrants Type the possessive form of the given noun?

All of the immigrants' documents are reviewed at the border.

What is a example of discrimination?

There are three different kinds of discrimination. i am going to type about race discrimination.Martin Luther king

Were Mexican American effected by institutional discrimination?

Yes, Mexican Americans have faced institutional discrimination in the United States, including practices such as segregation, deportation campaigns, and discriminatory housing and employment policies. These discriminatory practices have had lasting effects on Mexican American communities in various regions of the country.

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What type of immigrants were Pennsylvania dutch?

They were and are Germans.