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If you're referring to the Vietnam War, the chemical was known as "Agent Orange," whose major active ingredient was dioxin. From 1961 to 1971 the U.S. and our allies sprayed 21 million gallons of chemical defoliants and herbicides over the southern portion of today's Vietnam. The chemicals were sprayed by airplane, helicopter, riverboat, truck, and, around the perimeters of bases, by hand. Roughly two-thirds of these chemicals contained dioxin. While the record of destruction is still being compiled and corrected (see the work of Jeanne Stellman of Columbia), current sources give 10% as a rough figure for the total area devastated in the south, including 33% of the upland forests and 50% of the coastal mangroves. In some provinces 50% of the land was stripped bare. (Some information gleaned from the Fund for Reconciliation and Development Agent Orange fact sheet.)

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Q: What was the toxic chemical called that the US military used to clear vegetation and what year did its use start?
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