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Germany, Japan and Italy were the three major countries that signed the pact. Other smaller countries like Hungary and Bulgaria signed it later.

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Q: What was the third country that signed tripartite pact?
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Nazi Germany (Tripartite Pact signer) Fascist Italy (Tripartite Pact signer) Slovakia (Tripartite Pact signer) Romania (Tripartite Pact signer) Hungary (Tripartite Pact signer) Yugoslavia (Tripartite Pact signer) Bulgaria (Tripartite Pact signer) Transylvania (Tripartite Pact signer) Croatia (Tripartite Pact signer)

Which country was not pary of the Tripartite pact?

Brazil was not part of the Tripartite Act.

Who signed Tripartite pact?

The Tripartite Pact was signed on September 27, 1940. The people who signed it were Galeazzo Ciano, Saburo Kurusu, and Adolf Hitler. The pact was an agreement establishing the Axis Powers that fought against the Allied Powers during World War II.

Who signed the tripartite pact?

The Tripartite Pact was signed on September 27, 1940. The people who signed it were Galeazzo Ciano, Saburo Kurusu, and Adolf Hitler. The pact was an agreement establishing the Axis Powers that fought against the Allied Powers during World War II.

When was Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis signed?

The Tripartite Pact between Berlin , Rome and Tokyo , was a pact signed in Berlin , Germany on September 27, 1940 .

When did Japan offer a alliance with Germany?

The Tripartite Pact was signed in Berlin, Germany on 27 September 1940.

Who is the third member of the Axis Powers?

There were three members of the Tripartite pact : Japan , Germany and Italy .

Who was the third country to join the axis powers in World War 2?

On Septemper 27, 1940, the Axis Powers were officially created by the signing of the Tripartite Pact. The tree nations who signed were Germany, Italy and Japan. There is not a third nation, all signed at the same time.It was actually known as the Tripartite Treaty and the three main signatories were Germany, Italy and Japan, however other smaller nations such as Hungary and Roumania etc also became signatories

When did Germany Italy and japan sign the tripartite pact?

The pact was known as the Tripartite Pact.

Who did not sign the tripartite act?

The Tripartite Act was signed by the nations belonging to the Axis powers during World War II, so it was not signed by any of the Allies: France, the UK, the US, etc. Non-Allies who were involved with the Tripartite Pact but did not sign it were the Soviet Union and Finland.

In the Tripartite Pact Germany Italy and Japan agreed to?

In the Tripartite Pace, Germany, Italy, and Japan agreed to assist one another with all political, economic and military means when one of the three contracting powers is attacked by a country not already involved in the war, excluding the Soviet Union. The Pact was signed in Berlin, Germany on September 27, 1940.

How was japan involved during world war 2?

Japan was the third member of the TRIPARTITE PACT. Germany, Italy, and Japan.