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Domesday Book.

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Q: What was the survey of accurate information about all the property in a kingdom?
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Was the survey of accurate information about all the property in the kingdom?

Domesday Book.

Which one of the following survey methods probably yields the most accurate information?

telephone questionnaire

What exactly is an Alta Survey?

An ALTA survey, short for American Land Title Association survey, is a detailed survey used in real estate transactions to identify property boundaries, improvements, easements, and other important property details. It is typically more comprehensive than a standard property survey and is often required by lenders or title insurers to ensure that the property is accurately represented.

Where can a website owner find accurate survey software?

There are several places an individual may find accurate survey software. Survey Methods offers reliable and accurate survey software. The Survey System and Survey Monkey are also available. These software programs may be found online or in retail locations like Office Depot.

Do you need a survey if no mortgage is required?

If no mortgage is required, a survey may not be necessary unless there are other property boundaries, easements, or zoning issues that need to be identified. However, having a survey can still provide valuable information on the property's boundaries and features, which can be beneficial for future planning or potential legal matters.

In Utah is a Survey required for a mortgage?

Yes, a survey is typically required when obtaining a mortgage in Utah. The survey helps to verify property boundaries, easements, and any potential issues that may affect the property's value or use. It provides important information for both the borrower and the lender during the home buying process.

Why and how did William carry out the survey?

William carried out the survey to gather information on the needs and preferences of the target audience. He likely used various research methods such as interviews, questionnaires, and data analysis to collect data and draw insights from the survey results. This information would help him make informed decisions and tailor his services/products to better meet the needs of his audience.

Is a survey required for a property settlement in Maryland?

No, a survey is not required for a property settlement in Maryland. However, it is commonly recommended to have a survey conducted to define the boundaries and identify any potential encroachments or discrepancies that may affect the property.

How do you subdivide a part of your fathers estate property?

You would hire a surveyor to make a survey of the property and then subdivide it according to your plan. The survey can then be recorded in the land records and referenced on deeds.You would hire a surveyor to make a survey of the property and then subdivide it according to your plan. The survey can then be recorded in the land records and referenced on deeds.You would hire a surveyor to make a survey of the property and then subdivide it according to your plan. The survey can then be recorded in the land records and referenced on deeds.You would hire a surveyor to make a survey of the property and then subdivide it according to your plan. The survey can then be recorded in the land records and referenced on deeds.

How much does a residential survey cost on long island ny?

The cost of a residential survey on Long Island, NY can vary depending on the size of the property, the complexity of the survey required, and the specific surveying company you choose. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2000 for a residential survey in this area. It's best to contact local surveying companies for accurate quotes.

Can you sell property without a survey?

In some cases, you can sell property without a survey, but it is generally recommended to have one done before listing the property. A survey can help verify property boundaries, locate easements or encroachments, and identify any issues that may affect the sale. Buyers may also request a survey as part of their due diligence.

What is a blue line survey?

A blue line survey is a survey to establish the property boundary. The property line that is drawn as a result of the survey is called the blue line. Another type OS survey that is sometimes done for finacing and many other reasons is an ALTA survey which not only establishes the boundary, but also researches and shows any easements or existing features on the property such as the building and other topographical features.