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1) American sugar, tobacco, and cotton to Europe

2) European rum, textiles, & manufactured goods to Africa

3) African slaves to the Americas

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what is the "slave triangle?"

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Q: What was the slave trade triangle?
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Was Block Island in the Triangle Trade?

Yes they were involved in the slave trade.

What country were the majority of the slave who went to Jamaica from?

africa-The slave trade triangle

What did the the Americans trade in the triangle slave trade?

money, food, and other things they had.

How were men treated differently to women in the triangle slave trade?

They weren't. A slave was a slave and seen as property.

Who is the famous black slave that was in the trade triangle?

freddrick douglass

What happened in1619 with slave trade?

if think the slave trade triangle finished but i am only 8 years old so i do not know

Where did the slave trade triangle travel from?

The slave trade triangle involved three main routes: Europe to Africa to acquire slaves, Africa to the Americas to sell slaves, and the Americas back to Europe with goods produced by slave labor. This triangular trade route facilitated the transatlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries.

How did triangle trade link the Southern Colonies to other English colonies to England and to Africa?

the slave trade

Where did the slave trade occur?

The slave trade was a triangle. First finished goods where made in Europe. Then those good were transported to Africa to be traded for tribes prisoners of war. The prisoners are then sent to the Americas to be used to grow raw materials to be shipped to Europe to be made into finished goods. The goods would then to to Africa and the slave trade would begin again. The slave trade is also know as the Triangle trade as the trade followed a triangular pattern.

What are names of African countries in triangle slave trade?

Kenya, Egypt, India

What was The slave-trade cycle initiated by ship owners was known as?

The Atlantic Triangle

What are facts about the slave trade triangle?

All of the slaves involved where womenTo complete a triangle it takes 7 dayshope it helps