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Q: What was the significance of the battle at Poitier's in France in 732 CE?
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What was the battle where the Muslims were defeated in France?

In French it is called "la bataille de Poitiers" in 732. In English it is called the Battle of Tours / Battle of Poitiers. (link)

Who stopped the moslem andvance into France?

Charles Martel broke the Saracen army near Poitiers, on Oct. 19, 732. The battle is known as 'la bataille de Poitiers'.

What happend at the battle of the tours?

The Battle of Tours was a battle in Poitiers, France wherein Spanish moors were defeated by an army commanded by Charles Martel (Frankish Christian). The battle was on October 10, 732 which also put a stop on the Muslim attacks in the west part of Europe.

Who was the Frankish leader who defeated the Muslims in Spain at the Battle of Tours in 732?

Charles MartelThe Frankish realm under Charles Martel was the foremost military power of Western Europe. He was in control of the army that won the Battle of Tours.Charles Martel defeated the Muslims in North Central FRANCE at the battle of Tours in 732.

What years did King Charles Martel rule?

Technically he was never officialy crowned king but he ruled from 714- 768 AD

What has the author Maurice Mercier written?

Maurice Mercier has written: 'Charles Martel et la bataille de Poitiers' -- subject(s): Tours, Battle of, France, 732

When was the Battle of Tours?

The Battle of Tours (often called the Battle of Poitiers, but not to be confused with the Battle of Poitiers, 1356) was fought on October 10, 732 between forces under the Frankish leader Charles Martel and a massive invading Islamic army led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman, near the city of Tours, France.

What is the battle name where Muslims were defeated in France in year 732?

It is called "la bataille de Poitiers". In English, it is called the Battle of Tours or Battle of Poitiers. In Arabic, معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ) Battle of Court of the Martyrs. Refer to link below.

Where did Carles Martel deafeat the Moslems?

At Poitiers in 732

What year was the battle of tours fought?

The Battle of Tours was fought on October 10th, 732. The battle was fought in an area between the French cities of Tours and Poitiers. The Franks emerged victorious over the advancing Muslims (who were pushing across Western Europe to Spain). The battle ceased any further movement west.

How far did the Muslim armies go advance in western Europe?

What is now Spain and Portugal was captured by Muslim armies starting in 711 AD. Most of the area became the Emirate of Córdoba. The farthest Muslim advance was the Battle of Poitiers in 732 AD. Poitiers is now in central France. The last Muslim state on the peninsula (the kingdom of Granada) was defeated in 1491.

What did Charles Martel's troops do in 732 C.E.?

In Western Europe, the Frankish Victory by Charles Martel in 732 C.E. at the Battle of Tours (called by the French as the Battle of Poitiers) against the Amazigh and Arab Islamic Forces from Spain, prevented Islam from reaching western and central Europe from the southwest (Iberia).