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It resulted in a major territorial gain for the US (the Mexican Cession in 1848) that completed its expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.

It meant an increase of US territory (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas) at the expense of Mexico. It also renewed the slavery question for the acquired territories, and therefore ultimately contributed to the American Civil War.

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12y ago
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14y ago

It gave the USA more land - allowed spreading from sea to sea, etc.

(helped the U.S reach Manifest Destiny, spreading settlers from sea to sea.)

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13y ago

sclc now aim and ufwoc were all organizations with the same goal of

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13y ago

It gained the Important West Coast ports essential to commerce and defense.

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13y ago
  • It added new territories to the US.
  • It renewed the question of slavery on these new territories.
  • It ultimately led to the American Civil War.
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Q: What was the significance of the Mexican-American War?
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