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It helped pave the path to the constitution because it showed how at first the people weren't being heard and then after Shays rebellion the government ended up giving tax relief.

the above author is right about somethings, yes, it did pave the path to the constitution( along with many other reasons), but through showing how weak the current form of government was ( the Articles of Confederation at this time.) The Articles of Confederation actually didn't allow the national government (which was extremely weak at this time) to tax the peoples so that wasn't even an issue at the time.

Although the idea of a national tax wasn't an issue, the abusive nature of local government taxation and collection activities was a major crisis. The lack of standardized currency, unrestricted state laws, and the lack of a Bill of Rights for citizens all promoted the rebellious response to persons being jailed for tax debts which were impossible to pay. The mounting strife lead to a shift from the Anti-Federalist movement toward the realized need for a Federal government to standardize and issue currency, supply and defend a Bill of Rights, and provide oversight to states rights.

true, but also because it made the most important person (George Washington to attend the convention. it help Washington realize the need of a stronger government asap.

the Articles of Confederation said the national government couldn't tax; that was the states' jobs. And the reason no one could pay debts they owed the states was because the taxes had to be paid only in gold and silver--they didn't accept paper money, which was bad because paper money was pretty much all the people had. Shays' Rebellion was a bunch of farmers led by Daniel Shays rebelling against the government because they couldn't pay the taxes.


Shays' Rebellion and the response of the Confederation government showed how weak the central government was. Unable to raise an army to put down an internal rebellion, it was feared the United States would be unable to defend itself from a foreign power. Even George Washington realized a stronger central government was necessary.

As regards George Washington, he was well aware of the need for a stronger US central government due to his 8 year term as commander in chief of the Continental Army. During this time the army was poorly fed and clothed, had very little weapons and ammunition, and could not rely on a consistent army rank and file. The army was mostly staffed by state militias which signed people up for 1 year at a time. Washington saw the need for a central government to provide funding and support for a standing army so that America could stand up against the powers of Europe such as England.

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