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it was big

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Q: What was the significance of NSC-68 during the Korean war?
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How was the significance of the 38 parallel before and after the Korean war?

There was no significance. The 38th Parallel was ignored through out the war.

Where did the war located during the Korean war?

It was on the Korean Peninsula. That's why it is called the Korean War.

Was there rationing during the Korean war?

No, there was no rationing in korean war

Which confrontation had the most lasting significance?

The Korean War and the Vietnam War had the most lasting significance; we're still mourning our dead.

What was the long term significance of the Koren War?

The Korean War is often considered the forgotten war. However, it will never be forgotten by those who fought in it. The long term significance of the war lies in the fact that it split the Korean peninsula into two separate countries.

Was the movie mash filmed during the Korean War?

No, it was about the Korean war but was filmed in 1970 during Vietnam.

During which war was the battle of Kapyong?

During the Korean War

Whom did the Soviets support during the Korean War?

The Soviets supported North Korea during the Korean War.

Which country did general Douglass want to attack during the Korean war?

There was no Gen. Douglass during Korean War.

Information on the Korean War 1945-1950?

There was NO Korean War during those dates; the Korean War started in June of '50.

How was America an allie during the Korean War?

The US was the primary combatant of the Korean War.

ONE example of brinkmanship during the cold war?

the Korean war. we helped the Korean war. we helped