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because ferdinand's voyage turned out to be the first circumnavigation of the world and he traveld across unknown parts of the world and he fownd new routs to the spice islands.


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Q: What was the significance of Ferdinand magnellans voyage which began in 1519?
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What was significance of Ferdinand magellans voyage which began in 1519?

It was the first voyage to circumnavigate, or sail around, the globe.

What was the significance of Ferdinand Magellan voyage which began in 1519?

It was the first European voyage to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. It was the first voyage to circumnavigate, or sail around, the globe. It was the first voyage to sail through he Northwest Passage.

Where did Magellan start his exploration?

Ferdinand Magellan's first voyage began in 1505

How long was Ferdinand Magellan when he sailed across the world?

Magellan was about 39 when his voyage began, and he died in the Philippines while on this journey.

What was a problem Magellan had?

As the voyage progresses Ferdinand began to encounter some problems, word had got out that Ferdinand was Portuguese of origin. Several of the Spanish captains didn't trust Ferdinand and were said to have plotted to murder Ferdinand. The news spread quickly and chaos began to breakout among the crew. Some ruthless members of the crew attempted to murder Ferdinand, despite failing these cold-hearted men were executed.

Where did gamma start his voyage?

it began in lisbon

What year was Columbus's third voyage?

his third voyage began on May 30, 1498 to 1500

When did christiphor columbais set sail?

Christopher Columbus began his first voyage August 3, 1492, and he began his second voyage September 24, 1493

When did Magellans voyage Begin?

Magellan began his voyage in September 20, 1519

When did the fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus begin?

The fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus began on May 11, 1502.

When was Christopher's third voyage?

Christopher Columbus' third voyage began on 30th May, 1498 to October, 1500.

Why did Ferdinand Magellans voyage end?

Magellan was killed in the Philippines on April 27, 1521. He got involved in a local war on the island of Cebu. Only one ship was left of the five that began the voyage, and it was captained by the former mutineer, Juan Sebastián del Cano. He finally reached Spain on September 8, 1522.