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Q: What was the sign of wealth in the 19th century England?
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What was a sign of wealth in 19th century England?


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What is the significance of oranges at Christmas?

in England they were a sign of prosperity and wealth so if you used them as decorations you must have been very wealthy

What sign are you if your birthday is on September 19th?

If your birthday is on September 19th, your zodiac sign is Virgo.

Where historically is American sign language related?

American Sign Language (ASL) is related to French Sign Language (LSF), as it was heavily influenced by LSF due to the work of Laurent Clerc and Thomas Gallaudet in the early 19th century. The roots of ASL can also be traced back to Martha's Vineyard Sign Language, used on Martha's Vineyard in the 18th and 19th centuries.

What is your zodiac sign if you are born on december 19th?

On May 19th, your Zodiac sign would be Taurus.

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as a sign of wealth

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The Star sign for the 19th June is Gemini

Where did the ASL originate?

American Sign Language (ASL) originated in the early 19th century in the United States. It is based on French Sign Language and evolved from a combination of various sign languages used within Deaf communities in America.

Why did Bach where a wig?

It was a sign of wealth to own a wig.

How did idea of evolution affect Americans ideas about wealth?

They began to believe that wealth was a sign of "survival of the fittest."