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Q: What was the shelter for the middle colonies?
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What was the shelter like in the Middle Colonies?

sweeped and they grew crops

What was the middle colonies resource?

Food -To eatWater -To drinkWood -To build homes , boats , cabins , for shelter and other reasons

What was the middle colonies natural resources?

Food -To eatWater -To drinkWood -To build homes , boats , cabins , for shelter and other reasons

Which region was known as the breadbasket colonies?

The Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

What is the slogan for the middle colonies?

The middle colonies are in the middle of awesomeness!

Were the middle colonies royal colonies?

Yes, the middle colonies are proprietary colonies.

What were the middle colonies know for?

The middle colonies were known for being in the middle

Who settled the middle colonies-?

German immigrants settled the middle colonies.

What were diseases in the middle colonies?

The middle colonies had diseases

What are the Three regions of colonies?

the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies

What was the main seaport of the middle colonies?

the main harbor and seaport of the middle colonies is all the places in the middle colonies.

What are three types of colonies?

Middle Colonies New England Colonies Southern Colonies