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Q: What was the secret hieroglyphs were written on the Rosetta Stone?
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Why do people think the Rosetta stone is important?

The Rosetta Stone was found by Napoleon's troops in Egypt during his campaigns there. It is famous because it had a text written on it that was written in Old Egyptian, New Egyptian and Greek. Before the Rosetta Stone, archaeologists had no way to figure out what what Old Egyptian hieroglyphs meant. With the Rosetta Stone, since they already knew Greek and New Egyptian, they could finally decipher the hieroglyphs.

Are hieroglyphs with the Rosetta Stone?

Yes, indeed.

Why is the Rosetta Stone so famous?

The Rosetta Stone was found by Napoleon's troops in Egypt during his campaigns there. It is famous because it had a text written on it that was written in Old Egyptian, New Egyptian and Greek. Before the Rosetta Stone, archaeologists had no way to figure out what what Old Egyptian hieroglyphs meant. With the Rosetta Stone, since they already knew Greek and New Egyptian, they could finally decipher the hieroglyphs.

Which stone enabled European scholars to decipher hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta Stone.

What did an officer of Napoleon's engineering corps discover in Egypt?

The most noticeable thing is Rosetta Stone which helped Champollion to translate hieroglyphs

What year was hieroglyphs discovered?

The Rosetta Stone, which held hieroglyphs, was discovered in 1799 by French Soldiers.

The discovery of what enabled archaeologist to decode hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta Stone.

How were hieroglyphs read?

the Hieroglyphs were translated by the Rosetta stone which was a great discovery unlocking all Egypt's history.

What discovery allowed for the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The hieroglyphics of Egypt are one of the oldest forms of the written word known to man. The discovery of the Rosetta stone made it possible to read the hieroglyphs.

When was the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone was carved some time after 196 BC. No precise date is known, but the hieroglyphs on the stone refer to decrees issued during that year.

When was the Rosetta stone carved?

The Rosetta Stone was carved some time after 196 BC. No precise date is known, but the hieroglyphs on the stone refer to decrees issued during that year.

Was meroitic translated by the rosseta stone?

No, Meroitic script was not included in the Rosetta Stone inscription. The Rosetta Stone primarily has texts in Ancient Greek, Demotic, and Egyptian hieroglyphs, which helped unlock the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Meroitic script remains undeciphered to this day.