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Q: What was the role of women in pre columbian north American tribe?
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What did the men and women do for the tribe?

the pacific nortn west indians are from canada mostly plus you should find it youself

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Which group of women are you interested in ? North American, European, North African etc.

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Do Nigerian men marry African American women or other non-Nigerian women a lot?

the majority of Nigerian men marry their own cultural women; sometimes it depends on what tribe they are from because the igbo tribe marry out compared to any tribe in nigeria but it's still low. So only low numbers of Nigerian men marry African American or non-Nigerian(exception: other women from other African nations) women. So to answer your question, NO.

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As a Native American child and young woman she was taught the skills she needed by the women of her tribe.

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Did the women in the Iroquois tribe take part in the dicisions that the tribe made?

Yes. The main decisions were made by the women of the tribe. This is referred to as a "matriarchal" society.

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She was a women's suffrage person.Susan B Anthony was an African American woman who freed slaves by going to the south and helping them to the north

What are columbian women like?

They are nice people, like the general population of Columbia

What native American tribe wore turbans?

Mostly eastern US tribes like the Cherokee, women wore their own version of veils.

Was a chief of a tribe a man or woman?

The Chief of the tribe was male but they were elected by the women.

What has the author L A Scruggs written?

L. A. Scruggs has written: 'Women of distinction' -- subject(s): Women, Black, Biography, Black Women, North Caroliniana, African Americans, African American women, Women