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Q: What was the role of the present in the Middle Ages?
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What was not a common role for women middle ages?

There were many uncommon roles for women during the Middle Ages. They include, but are not limited to:PriestsMonarchsSoldiersKnightsScholarsMillersSummonersPardonersParsonsSquiresFriarsReevesLawyersClerksMerchantsPhysiciansYeomenManciplesFranklinsSailorsMonks

What was the role of hospitalers during the Middle Ages?

to "toss my salad"

What was the role of the church at looking after the poor in the middle ages?

They helped them

What was the role of skilled workers in middle ages?

nothing xb

What was the role of the serfs in the middle ages?

It was called the code of chivalry.

How did the role of cities change in the middle ages?

the pope ruled then after the emperor.

What role did a daimyo have in the middle ages?

they ate fish and chips :D

What was the role of the church in maintaining social and political oreder in the middle ages?

My balls

What role did citizens play in the middle ages?

They where my slaves they cleaned rooms, toilets, and condoms

What was the manciple role in society in the middle ages?

The manciple was a purchaser of provisions, usually for a university.

In middle ages what role did merchants have in Arab society?

They were an important and respected class of people.

Did men have a role in the middle ages?

Men made the wars, ran the government, and did everything.