Peasants actually played very little in the way of a role with either revolution. The February Revolution was largely a matter of what people living in urban centers did, and the October Revolution was a coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks.
During the Chinese revolution, peasants played a significant role as they made up the majority of the population. They supported the communist leaders, such as Mao Zedong, and participated in revolutionary activities, such as land redistribution and peasant uprisings. The support of the peasants was crucial in the success of the revolution and the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.
The Chinese Revolution. January 1949
Chinese Communist Revolution
Yes, they won.
the poverty-stricken rural peasants
The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.
The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.
Prior to the Bolshevik revolution Lenin put forth the idea that the Russian peasants would play a key role in any revolution. Trotsky, on the other hand believed that the peasants were incapable of any forceful political activity. In Trotsky's vision of the future revolution, the workers would lead and seize political power. As events turned out, neither was correct.
The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.
Don't anger the peasants.
The Chinese Revolution. January 1949
Chinese farmers were not happy under the Manchu rule. They said the rulers were greedy and unfair. Most Chinese farmers were poor. Finally the peasants rebelled.
The Chinese Revolution. January 1949
Peasants suffered under the burden of higher taxes during the French Revolution. Peasants suffered social, economic,and political inequalities. Peasants suffered from out-of-date feudal dues that were being collected with renewed vigor, leading up to the Revolution.
The poor ones.