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Q: What was the role of the Emper of ROME?
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He is not his son. He was his great-nephew. He was adopted into his will as his heir. His name was Octavian, but was renamed by the Roman Senate: Augustus, or "the exalted one".

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S(emper) par(ātus) "Always ready"

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The Bishop of Rome is also the pope.

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Babylon had kings. In the related links I posted the information.

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The plebeians did not have ant particular role. They were the commoners.

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The Vikings did not play a direct role in the history of Rome. The Vikings were a seafaring people from Scandinavia who primarily targeted areas in Northern Europe, not Rome.

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he is the role of caesar he plays a role that is look up to by everyone in rome that is why brutus and the conspittors killed him because he didn't want rome to be a monarcy

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the senate i think

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Doggy style.