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building and maintaining the city states temples and protecting the city state. -by jj mooney

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Q: What was the role of a mesopotamian ruler?
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How did the role of Egyptians pharaohs differ from the role of Mesopotamian ruler's?

In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians pharaohs were gods on earth.

Who was the mesopotamian ruler responsible for the strict code of laws?


What is the name of the Mesopotamian ruler who wrote the code of laws?

The ruler that wrote the first code of laws was Hammurabi.

What is the Role of kings in Mesopotamia?

Specifically, a king or ensi was the local god's representative on earth. The king ruled in the place of the god who was the ruler.

Did ancient Mesopotamian invented Hammurabi?

Hammurabi was a person, the ruler. He was not invented!

Who was a Mesopotamian ruler that created the worlds first true empire?

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What role did ubaid people play in the development of Mesopotamian civilization?


Which mesopotamian ruler was responsible for a strict code of laws?

The Code of Hammurabi includes many harsh punishments, but the code is also one of the earliest examples of an accused person being considered innocent until proven guilty

What is the Mesopotamian job of a Confectioner?

they made sweets and candies-- similar to the role of confectioners today.

When was Sargon of Akkad born?

Ancient Mesopotamian ruler (r. 2334 - 2279 BC).

How did the role of Egyptian Pharaoh different from the role of mesopotamian rulers?

In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians pharaohs were gods on earth.

What was the Mesopotamian ruler's role in religion?

Mesopotamian rulers held significant religious authority as intermediaries between the gods and the people. They were responsible for maintaining the favor of the gods through rituals, offerings, and building and maintaining temples. Rulers were often seen as representatives of the gods on earth and played a key role in ensuring the well-being and prosperity of their kingdom.