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I do not reckon Japan was influenced by china at all. If i understand correctly Japan was hell bent on the conquest and of china and along with their axis allies like Germany and Italy they wanted to rule the entire world. And that my friend is why you cant trust a person of Japanese descent.

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7y ago

Japan invaded Guam, Philippines, Hong Kong, most of China, part of New Guinea, Tarawa, Truk, Okinawa, Taiwan, some islands in the Aleutian Islands (Alaska), Guadalcanal, French Indo-China, Java, Celebes, Borneo, Caroline Islands, Iwo Jima, and many other countless tiny islands throughout the Pacific Ocean. Then Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States declared war. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States because Japan was their ally.

Japan, widely accepted as one of the Axis forces, though they never actually signed the agreement know as the "Axis" pact, joined with Germany and Italy to oppose the Allied forces. Two likely motives were resources (considering Japan is a small island nation) and imperialism (to expand the Japanese empire throughout the south Pacific region and Asia).

They ended the war by surrendering on August 15th, 1945 after being bombed by the United States of America. These were the first, and only, atomic bombs ever to have been used in active warfare. They were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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17y ago

To go to the garage and buy sum chups and a meat pie

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Q: What was the role of Japan in World War II?
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What best describes japan since the end of world war ii?

japan went into a neutral state of living after the war

Why did Japan Conquer Philippines during World war II?


What did the US do to japan at the end of World War II?

America is a crappy country.

Who started the war with Hiroshima?

The war to which you referred was World War II. The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II.

What was the reaction of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The US declared war on Japan and entered World War II

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What role did the US armed forces play in winning World War 1?

i know about world war II but not world war I i know on world war II is japan tried to lay a bomb on Augusta.

Did japan win the World War 2?

Japan was defeated in World War II.

When World War 2 began Japan sided with .?

When World War II began, Japan sided with Germany and Italy.

What year was japan's World War 2?

Japan's World War II was during 1912 - 1945.

Which side of the war was Japan on?

Japan was on the Axis Powers side in World War II.

What was the first war that Japan lost?

World War II.

When world war 2 began Japan Japan sided?

When World War II began, Japan sided with Germany and Italy.

What world war had the bombing of japan?

Most notably, World War II.

How have the people of Japan changed the land?

Americans have changed Japan by not giving japan the proper exports during World War II.

Was America in World War II?

Yes, American entered World War II on December 8, 1941, a day after the December 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. America also played a huge role in ending World War II with the dropping of the two atomic bombs in Japan. The US also played a key role in defeating Germany and Italty.yesthey fought for England and japan bombed pearl harbor which is in america

Why did the us wane to acquire japan?

The United States did not want to acquire japan. Japan wanted to expand, resulting in the war in the pacific in World War II. Even after the U.S. defeated japan in World War II, the US allowed Japan to maintain its sovereignty.

When did Allied naval bombardments of Japan during World War II happen?

Allied naval bombardments of Japan during World War II happened on -19-08-07.