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The battle of Dien Bien Phu is a representative symbol of freedom from colonial rule and Western influence .

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Q: What was the role of Dien Bien Phu on both sides of Vietnam?
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What goal did both sides in the Vietnam war have?

They both wanted peace.

Who went to war at Vietnam?

Able bodied males (from both sides).

What connection did the Vietnam war have with drafting?

That's how men were acquired to fight the war from both sides.

When did Vietnam become a republic?

Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945. France, however, reoccupied the country after the Japanese surrender, and thus Vietnam remained a de facto French colony until the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu and in the Red River delta at the hands of the Viet Minh in 1954. At the 1954 Korea and Indo-China peace conference in Geneva, the Western powers, the USSR, China and other nations agreed that Vietnam should be partitioned at the 17th parallel into what became a Western-oriented South Vietnam and a Soviet-bloc-oriented North Vietnam. Both parts were supposed to be reunited after countrywide elections scheduled for 1956. These elections never took place. Vietnam was finally reunited as a single country after Vietcong and No. Vietnamese forces overran South Vietnam in 1975 after two decades of civil war with American intervention. Vietnam considers its date of independence to be 1945.

What did the US do in response of the Geneva Accords?

It ceased to provide military and logistic support to South Vietnam as required for both sides. North Vietnam, although bound by the same conditions, continued to build up military capacity, and invaded in full strength against a South Vietnam with no source of reinforcement or ammunition replenishment.

Related questions

For what is Dien Bien Phu remembered?

The battle of Dien Bien Phu is remembered for the significance the defeat the Viet Minh had over French forces and the political and military ramifications the defeat /victory had for both sides as well as the effect it had upon future actions there in the Vietnamese arena of war and politics .

What are the effects of dien bien phu?

The battle of Dien Bien Phu is remembered for the significance the defeat the Viet Minh had over French forces and the political and military ramifications the defeat /victory had for both sides as well as the effect it had upon future actions there in the Vietnamese arena of war and politics .

What goal did both sides in the Vietnam war have?

They both wanted peace.

Who went to war at Vietnam?

Able bodied males (from both sides).

How many was killed in Vietnam?

About 1,492,846 on both sides of the conflict including 58,220 from the US.

What connection did the Vietnam war have with drafting?

That's how men were acquired to fight the war from both sides.

How did french lose all their possessions in Indochina by 1955?

The French were militarily defeated by the Vietnamese in the First Indochinese War, specifically in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, forcing the French to concede independence to Vietnam. Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanouk and Laos's King Sisavong Vong came to a peaceful agreements for French withdrawal in 1953 and the granting of independence (both agreements operated independently of one another).Since France had no possessions in Indochina other than Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, France had lost its possessions in Indochina by 1955.

When did Vietnam become a republic?

Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945. France, however, reoccupied the country after the Japanese surrender, and thus Vietnam remained a de facto French colony until the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu and in the Red River delta at the hands of the Viet Minh in 1954. At the 1954 Korea and Indo-China peace conference in Geneva, the Western powers, the USSR, China and other nations agreed that Vietnam should be partitioned at the 17th parallel into what became a Western-oriented South Vietnam and a Soviet-bloc-oriented North Vietnam. Both parts were supposed to be reunited after countrywide elections scheduled for 1956. These elections never took place. Vietnam was finally reunited as a single country after Vietcong and No. Vietnamese forces overran South Vietnam in 1975 after two decades of civil war with American intervention. Vietnam considers its date of independence to be 1945.

Who decided to divide Vietnam?

That was quite complicated. After French troops were defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 7, 1954, the Geneva Conference (which had been held before) came to an agreement known as the Geneva Accords. In this this set of treaties, France and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam both agreed to withdraw their troops to different parts of the country (Vietnamese forces to the North, and French troops to the South). After that, French army would retreat completely from Vietnam and two regions would unify in an election. However, U.S. government later refused to follow that schedule because they had never signed the Accords. They set up a pro-America government with Ngo Dinh Diem as president in South Vietnam while communists still controlled the North. To conclude, it was France, America and, ironically, Vietnam (didn't know what it was doing) who divided Vietnam.

How many died during the vietmens war?

It is estimated that over 3 million people on both sides died during the Vietnam War. The country of Vietnam did not release their casualties to the public until 1995.

What does k bien seben lasdos?

Que bien se ven las dos is translated to: Both of you look very good.

How many people on both sides died in total in the Vietnam war?

Suggest: Statistics About The Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.