that's so simple that we all know it's Hawaii NOT, har har har! it's realy Afganistan
happy to help!
It's actually Kush or Nubia now called Sudan and Southern Sudan
Upper Egypt or upper
yesYes, Nubia was actually a kingdom to the south of Egypt.
The kingdom of Kush was located south of Egypt in present-day Sudan, and Axum was farther south in Ethiopia. The Kush kingdom ruled Egypt from around 727 BC to 653 BC. (see the related map link)
the savannas
Upper Egypt
the rival kingdom is nubia
Upper Egypt or upper
yesYes, Nubia was actually a kingdom to the south of Egypt.
The kingdom of Kush was located south of Egypt in present-day Sudan, and Axum was farther south in Ethiopia. The Kush kingdom ruled Egypt from around 727 BC to 653 BC. (see the related map link)
The ancient capital of ancient Egypt is Thebes!Thebes until the made it Memphis whic was i think in the middle kingdom but not for shureThe ancient capital of Egypt is Cairo. Today, the ruins are located close to the town Mit Rahina, which is 12 miles south of the present-day Cairo.
Egypt's Ancient Capital.
the savannas
The southern part of Egypt is referred to as Upper Egypt. It is located at the shallow end of the Nile River between Aswan and Khartoum.
Upper Egypt or Thebes
Upper Egypt
There was Upper and Lower Egypt in pre-dynasty but these were united when the first pharaoh, Narmer, came to power. Since then they had been united.