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The result of the revolution in 1991 was the fall of the Communist Regime that had ruled Russia since 1917.

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Q: What was the result of the russian revolution in 1991?
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What Russian was overthrown during the 1917 Russian Revolution.?

Tsar Nicholas II was the first leader overthrown as a result of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917. Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government was the second leader overthrown as a result of the October Revolution in 1917.

Why did the Americans fear the result of the Russian revolution?

They feared the spread of Communism

What is another term for the Russian revolution?

There were four Russian Revolutions. The first one was the Revolution of 1905. Then there was the February Revolution of 1917, then the more widely known one, the October Revolution, which is also named the Great October Socialist Revolution, Red October, October Uprising, or the Bolshevik Uprising. The latest was the 1991 Revolution, which ended the Soviet Union and formed the Russian Federation.

What was the result of Bloody Sunday in Russia in 1905?

the Russian Revolution 12 years later

What are some good creative titles for a Russian revolution story book?

"Echoes of Change: A Tale of the Russian Revolution" "Flames of Freedom: Stories from the Russian Revolution" "Revolving Fate: A Novel of the Russian Revolution" "Red Dawn: Fictional Accounts from the Russian Revolution"

Did the us enter the Russian revolution?

no the us did not enter the Russian revolution

The opposing of Czar led to the frnch revolution?

The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.

What role did Italy play in the Russian revolution?

Italy was not involved in the Russian Revolution.

What does the animals rebellion represent in Animal Farm?

The Russian revolution

What was one of the results of the Russian Revolution?

One result of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was the creation of the Duma, a democratically elected house of parliament and the issuance by Tsar Nicholas II of the October Manifesto, which promised greater freedoms of individual liberties. One result of the February Revolution of 1917 was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in favor of the Provisional Government. One result of the October Revolution of 1917 was the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the takeover of the country by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, later known as Communists.

How did the Russian empire fall?

Do you mean the Russian Revolution or the USSR Russian RevolutionThe Russian Revolution took place in 1917 where the people where overthrowing the tsars and then created a communist government USSRThe USSR technically ended in 1991 but in 1987 President Reagan began deteriorating the government with his famous speech at the Berlin Wall "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"