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Great Britain recognized American independence

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8y ago

England gained massive amounts of land

France lost almost all of its land in North America.

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11y ago

Great Britain gained control of India and North America, making it the world's greatest colonial power.

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9y ago

As a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, British dominance expanded outside of Europe. The Treaty of Paris official ended the Seven Years' War.

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12y ago

In the settlement of the French and Indian War, France gave its lands east of the Mississippi to England, including French Canada.

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1y ago

France Lost almost all of its land in North America

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Q: What was the result of the Treaty of Paris in the 1763 signed by Great Britain and France?
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What was the result of the Treaty of Paris signed by Great Britain and France?

Great Britain expanded its terrirtories in North America.

Who signed the treaty of versaillies?

the treaty was signed by the the France and Britain in 1763

Is it true that France had a treaty with Poland and Britain enterd the war as a result of an Anlgo French treaty and that Britain did not have a treaty with Poland?

No, it isn't.Polish-British Common Defence Pact was signed on 25th Aug 1939.

What two contries signed the Treaty of Paris?

the treaty of paris was between France and Britain.

What was the name of the Treaty the US signed with Germany ending World War 1?

It was called the 'Treaty of Versailles' and the US, Britain and France signed that treaty.

Which countries signed the Brussels Treaty?

Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

What document marked the end of France as a power in North America?

The Treaty of Paris marked the end of France as a power in North America. This particular "Treaty of Paris" is also known as the Treaty of 1763, and it was signed in 1763 by Great Britain, France, and Spain, after Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War. Britain gained many of France's possessions in North America, which is why the treaty marked the end of France as a power in North America.

What was the name of the treaty between Belgium and Britain?

The Treaty of London (1839) guaranteed Belgian neutrality. It was signed by Britain, France, Prussia, the Netherlands, Austria and Russia.

Why was the treaty of signed in Paris?

The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris because France created the treaty and it was signed in Paris.

What two countries signed the Treaty of Paris?

great britain and united states.

What year did Britain make a treaty to turn the thirteen colonies to turn the colonies into the US?

Britain, France, Spain, Holland, and the US signed a peace treaty in 1783

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