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launched a campaign of civil disobedience across India
launched a campaign of civil disobedience
launched a campaign of civil disobedience

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Over 80000 Indians were jailed.

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Q: What was the result of Gandhi's salt march?
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What was gandhis campaign?

salt march

Describe gandhis protest against the salt tax?

It was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial ... against the salt tax continued for almost a year, ending with Gandhi's .

What was the Salt March protesting?

The Salt March was a protest against the British monopoly in India on salt.

What was the cause of mahat Gandhis death?

mohandas gandhi's death was by assassination. He was killed in a march.

Was there kids doing the salt march?

No there was only men doing the salt march

How did the salt march begin?

Salt march begins when britishers took tax on salt and gandhi ji is against of this tax. He fight against this rule. Hence salt march begins.

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What is Indra gandhis slogan?

India can do it

What is gandhis' name?

kamla nehru

Dandi March was launched by whom In which year?

The Salt March also known as the Dandi March or the Salt Satyagraha, began on 12th March 1930.

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What was the name of gandhis children?

holly and maisie