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Guinevere was married to King Arthur, so ruled over Sir Lancelot as Queen. Then, the two fell in love and had an affair, thus causing the Last Battle, in which King Arthur is slayed while trying to kill Lancelot.

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Q: What was the relationship between Guinevere and lancelot?
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Describe the relationship between Guinevere and Lancelot?

The relationship between Guinevere and Lancelot is complicated. Due to Lancelot's exceptionally interesting psychy and guilt complex, he is initially kind to Guinevere because he doesn't like her. After a while, his kindness becomes more genuine, and eventually turns into love. They become lovers, while at the same time loving and respecting Arthur.

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Lancelot and Guinevere - 1963 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 UK:A

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