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Q: What was the reason for the Minuteman to attack the British at concord?
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What was the reason for the minutement to attack the British at concord?

To prevent the British task force from destroying the military depot established there and force them to retreat to Boston.

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to convince delegates of need for armed resitence for fear of british attack

For What Reason were the British Marching to Lexington?

They were actually marching to Concord, but Lexington was on the way. They wanted to get from Boston to Concord MA to seize the ammunition stored there, so the colonial militia wouldn't use it against the British. In that time, there were really only a few routes from Boston to Concord because everything was forest or farmland. The route ran through Lexington, and the militia there were alerted to the British approach, so they came out to delay the British from getting to Concord. This delay, which became the "Shot Heard Round the World" when a skirmish broke out, gave the Concord militia enough time to remove a lot of ammunition and gave revolutionary leaders time to escape capture. The "battle" on Lexington Green was the first actual battle of the American Revolution.

What are the reasons why the Americans won the revolutionary war?

s shooting in a linethe colonists guerrila warfare tactics opposed to the british shooting in a line, we used the element of surprise to attack them off guard to win the battles of lexington and concord . and finnaly we knew the terrain better then them so we had also had an advantage o and a fourth reason our commanders had were great military thinkers they did trapped the british and overcame an army the size 2:1 of them.

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YES you can have a heart attack at anytime for any reason. You can have a heart attack for no reason at all.

How did the battles of Lexington and concord shape the American revolution?

Battle at Lexington and Concord is the main reason for open armed conflict between United Kingdom of Britain and thirteen of its colonies on the mainland of British America.

Why did the lexingtonconcord?

british wanted to take gunpowder away from colonists no intention to start a war

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They can, but they do not. Parrots have no reason to attack platypuses.

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The battle of Fromelles didn't work because the British troops didn't have enough experience in trench warfare and the attack was rushed. The other reason the battle failed for the British was because they were out numbered by the Germans.

Passenger jet aircraft?

I plane. Its the Concord Mattyashy The Boeing 747-400 gives you a broader space, it is more comfortable. The Concord makes loud noises, it is the major reason why it was shut down.

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