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Britain had an agreement with France that if Poland was invaded they would both step in to help.

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Q: What was the reason for great Britain entering world war 2?
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Great Britain demanded that Germany respect Belgium's neutrality, but Germany refused.

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No. What possible reason would Britain have had for that?

Why did Great Britain and France join World War 2?

Britain and France joined the war, becaus Germany invaded Poland. The reason for this is that Britain and France had a pact with Poland, Denmark and Belgium.

What war is Great Britain World War I or World War 2?

Great Britain, or more correctly The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was involved in both World War 1 and World War 2.

What led to great Britain entering World War 1?

Germany entered neutral Belgium on August 4, 1914, Britain then gave an ultimatum to Germany to leave the country. That was refused, and the UK declared war later that same day.

How great was Britain in the world in 1750s?

Not so great.

What social and religious influences let to Great Britain entering World War 2?

There were no reasons for Great Britain declaring war upon Germany other than Germanys invasion of Poland and their refusal to get out when requested to do so. The Polish had a treaty with the British to come to one anothers aid in case of invasion.

What country was controlled by Great Britain at the beginning of World War I?

There were many countries that were controlled by Great Britain at the beginning of World War 1.

What was the main reason Australia entered World War 2?

Australia followed the lead of Britain. Prime Minister Menzies announced lamely 'Because Great Britain is at war with Germany, Australia also is at war'.

What lesson Britain learn after the Great Britain war?

world war 1

Who entered World War 2 first the us or great Britain?
