

Best Answer

Confederate General Braxton Bragg's plans were to outflank the left wing of the front held by Union General Buell and invade the Kentucky, starting a general offensive along the whole front from Knoxville up to Corinth .

In detail:

CSA Gen Kirby-Smith had to aim immediately towards the Kentucky;

Bragg would have followed him with the Whole CSA Army of Mississippi, while the Generals Price and Van Dorn, starting from Mississippi had to attack the western Tennessee, in order to engage and if possible defeat Grant.

Once recaptured Tennessee and Kentucky, all the Confederate Armies, would converge on the exposed line of Ohio.

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Q: What was the purpose of the campaign led by Confederate General Braxton Bragg in August 1862?
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How did Confederate military operations in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862 affect the Peninsula campaign?

General In Chief George B. McClellan had assigned Major General Nathaniel Banks to control the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. In order for the Peninsula campaign to be a success, McClellan's purpose for General Banks was to insure that Rebel forces did not cut the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and to prevent Confederate forces from invading Pennsylvania. If Banks failed to do that, then Union troops assigned to the Peninsula campaign would either have not left for Fort Monroe or those there already would be needed to protect Washington DC and other Northern territories, basically aborting the entire Peninsula plan.Both McClellan and Banks were aware of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson's presence in the Shenandoah. He had the potential to wreak havoc on Union plans. Jackson's presence there also meant that Banks had another assignment to insure the success of the Peninsula campaign. That assignment was to prevent, at all costs, allowing Jackson to reinforce Johnston and the main part of the Army of Northern Virginia. McClellan's plans were to surprise the Confederates with his planned rapid march eastward from Fort Monroe and thereby make it too late for Jackson to help out Johnston. McClellan, however, was not going to take any unplanned chances and so depended on General Banks to make sure he would not allow Rebel operations to spoil his eastern flanking plan embodied in the Peninsula campaign.

General purpose of speaking?

The general purpose of speaking is communication.

What is the difference between the general purpose and the specific purpose of a speech?

The general purpose is the overall intent of your speech. The specific purpose is a goal stated in a complete sentence. Overall, the general purpose and specific purpose are different because they both mean different things. The specific purpose is just really a goal stated in your sentence and the general purpose is just the purpose of your speech.GENERAL PURPOSE: purpose of your speech.SPECIFIC PURPOSE: the goal or the main idea in your speech.

Which is the first general purpose microprocessor?

4004 is the first general purpose microprocessor by Intel

The main purpose of general sherman's march across Georgia was to?

Become independent of his long supply-line back to Nashville, which was always being attacked by Confederate cavalry. Sherman saw that he could live off the land, following a good harvest.

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What was the commanding position that Confederate General Bragg that held the Union Army of the Cumberland a virtual prisoner in Chattanooga?

Confederate General Braxton Bragg occupied the Missionary Ridge as his main position, but he had as chief outposts also the Orchard Knob, the Indian Hill, dominating the town and the somewhat weakly manned defile of Lookout Mountain, which dominated the Railroad and the bend of the River Tennessee south of Chattanooga. Bragg settled down to a siege of the town, instead to storm in, aiming to force the besieged Federals to surrender by starvation, as their only supply line ran from Bridgeport (Alabama) and was inadequate to the purpose.

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To safeguard Confederate use of the Mississippi, and to install a Confederate government in Kentucky.

How did Confederate military operations in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862 affect the Peninsula campaign?

General In Chief George B. McClellan had assigned Major General Nathaniel Banks to control the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. In order for the Peninsula campaign to be a success, McClellan's purpose for General Banks was to insure that Rebel forces did not cut the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and to prevent Confederate forces from invading Pennsylvania. If Banks failed to do that, then Union troops assigned to the Peninsula campaign would either have not left for Fort Monroe or those there already would be needed to protect Washington DC and other Northern territories, basically aborting the entire Peninsula plan.Both McClellan and Banks were aware of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson's presence in the Shenandoah. He had the potential to wreak havoc on Union plans. Jackson's presence there also meant that Banks had another assignment to insure the success of the Peninsula campaign. That assignment was to prevent, at all costs, allowing Jackson to reinforce Johnston and the main part of the Army of Northern Virginia. McClellan's plans were to surprise the Confederates with his planned rapid march eastward from Fort Monroe and thereby make it too late for Jackson to help out Johnston. McClellan, however, was not going to take any unplanned chances and so depended on General Banks to make sure he would not allow Rebel operations to spoil his eastern flanking plan embodied in the Peninsula campaign.

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