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Its purpose of the Act was to authorize the allocation of federal funds to school districts. The school districts would establish educational platforms for students who had inadequate English speaking ability in Texas and the rest of the United States

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Q: What was the purpose of the bilingual education act of 1968 was to?
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Bilingual Education Act

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Who benefited from laws like the elementary and secondary education act of 1968 and voting rights act of 1975?

The people that benifited were people that were disables.

Who benefited from laws like the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1968 and the Voting rights Act of 1975?

The people that benifited were people that were disables.

How did civil rights actof 1964 affect bilingual education?

Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn't directly address bilingual education, it opened the door to future legislation. By specifically prohibiting discrimination based on national origin, it charged schools to present the same opportunities for minorities as there were for non-minorities. This also included those who were in a language minority.

Who benefited from laws like the elementary and secondary education act of 1968 and voting rights of 1975?

The people that benifited were people that were disables.

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act purpose

What makes it illegal to refuse to rent to someone who is disabled?

The Civil Rights act of 1968