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To make money. This was a financial venture to seek new lands and wealth.

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Q: What was the purpose of the James town colony?
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What is James town?

James Town was a colony established in 1765. This was the successful colony, the other colony charelston was unsuccessful. James Town was successful, because of tobacco.

What was the British colony?

James town

Was the colony of James town named after St James?

yes it was (:

What kind of government did the Jamestown colony have?

the goverment of james town colony is I LIKE PIE

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Where was the first colony in north America located?

James town, virgina

Was the Jamestown colony was traded for beads?

Yes that is true.The James town colony was traded for the Indians beads.I hope I helped you!

What was john smith's influence on Virginia?

For a portion of time, he was the president of the colony at James town.

What new arrivals helped James Town colony thrive and survive?

tobacco <3

How did tobacco change James town?

it changed the colony because everyone got addicted to it

What did James town colony people die of?

starvation, sickness, and being too cold.

What company settled the colony at james town?

The Virginia Stock Company was created to settle the colony that would be named Jamestown when it was founded.