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there were lots of punishments for lots of crimes but the main ones were hanging, beheading, dunking , the gallows , the stocks , the drunkards cloak , burning , being pressed , being boiled alive , flogging (whipping) , branded with hot irons , the pillory , the brank and having limbs cut off.

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During the Tudor period, there was no police force, but there were many stringent rules. The monarch or queen would designate noble people to serve as Justices of the Peace, who were in charge of enforcing the laws in their respective regions. You would be penalised if you were found guilty of breaking a law. Depending on the offence, the punishment was frequently severe, brutal, humiliating, and carried out in public. The Tudors hoped that by doing so, the perpetrator would be deterred from repeating the act while also serving as a warning to others. The practice of watching punishments was encouraged, and it was even considered entertainment. Public executions, in particular, drew big audiences.

Whipping was a widely used punishment for a wide range of offenses. Homeless persons, criminals who stole less than a penny, and those who failed to go to church may all be lashed. Another typical punishment was being branded (burned) with a hot iron. 'Stocks' were also used to confine criminals. These were enormous wooden frames with two planks of wood between which you could rest your head. Stocks were erected in the village's centre so that everyone could watch you being punished and mock you. The harshest penalties were reserved for the most heinous offenses. People who committed treason (crimes against the monarch) or heresy were punished by being beheaded, hanged, drawn and quartered, or burned at the stake (following the wrong religion).

People would gather to see executions since they were public events. They were extremely popular and drew large audiences.

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15y ago

That's a nice question the answer is, they would be standing in the middle of the floor until time is done, or, be in a cage in full-view.

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