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Tobacco. There might be more so dont quote me but i know tobacco is one.

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12y ago

Tobacco. The Jamestown colony shipped over 2000 pounds to England in 1615

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15y ago

Tabacco, that's all I know so far

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It was a major grain producer.

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Q: What was the product that turned Jamestown into a profitable enterprise?
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The land in Jamestown turned out to be ideal for growing what?


What activity turned around the English colony at Jamestown?

The turning point for the Jamestown, VA colony began in May of 1611. A new governor was appointed. He ordered new crops to be planted. The harvest was plentiful that year. Before that, people had been suffering from malnutrition.

What colony was founded by john smith?

John Smith did not found a colony. The Virginia Company founded a colony at Jamestown, Virginia. It turned into a disaster. He took it over, turned it around, and made it successful.

How profitable was LucasArts in 2012?

LucasArts was a video game developer. They performed poorly in 2012 compared to previous years of success, and in October of that year they were acquired by Disney and turned into a publisher, firing all development staff.

Why did the southern economy and political scene become both a monopolistic and aristocratic society?

A single product, cotton, which became immensely profitable after the invention of the cotton-gin. This turned many quite ordinary farmers into textile tycoons, who created artificial legends of chivalry about themselves, which were meant to justify slavery. This culture also discouraged the planters' sons from dirtying their hands in industry or commerce, so there was almost no manfacturing capacity.

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What factors contributed to near failure of Jamestown?

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What crop turned Jamestown into a profitable colony?

The main crop in Jamestown in 1607 was tobacco. It was grown by English settlers and sold to the Native Americans and to people back in England. It was easy to grow and brought in a lot of money.

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