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To prevent the spread of communism.

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Q: What was the point of the us fighting in Vietnam?
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What did US in Vietnam in 1950 lose?

The French were fighting in Vietnam in 1950 not the US.

Which side was the US fighting on in Vietnam the north or the south?

South Vietnam

What did US want North Vietnam to do after the air war?

The US wanted N. Vietnam to stop fighting in S. Vietnam.

How many years and months were US troops fighting in the Vietnam War?

US Servicemen had been fighting communists in South Vietnam since 1955.

Who were the US fighting for and against in the Vietnam war?

It was fighting for democracy and against communism.

What were the results of US fighting in Vietnam?

The US re-deployed from the place.

What was the US fighting for during the Vietnam War?

The containment of communism.

Did the us do the right thing by fighting in Vietnam?

It was a noble cause.

Why was the US was fighting against Vietnam?

Eisenhower's Testerones level

Was the Afghanistan war a long war?

The US has been fighting in Afghanistan longer it was fighting in Vietnam. It is the longest war in US history.

Who did the US concentrate on fighting in the Vietnam War?

North Vietnamese communists

Was the us fighting with north or south Vietnam during the war?
