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Power is most important over pay and/or working conditions.

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Q: What was the philosophy of the National Labor Union?
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Related questions

When was National Labor Union created?

National Labor Union was created in 1866.

Who was the leaders of the national labor union?

William H. Sylvis was the leader of the National Labor Union.

What were the goals and philosophy of labor union?

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The first labor union formed after the Civil War was the?

National labor union

What was the first union?

The first National Labor Federation (a federation of Labor Unions) in the US was the National Labor Union (NLU). They formed in 1866, and dissolved in 1873.

What was the first labor union called?

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What statement is not true about the National Labor Union?

One statement that is false about the National Labor Union is that it was not the first labor federation in the United States. (It was.)

The first major labor union was founded in 1866 by William Sylvis. What was the name of this union?

National Labor Union (1866)

When did National Amalgamated Union of labor end?

National Amalgamated Union of Labour ended in 1924.

When was National labor Union of Morocco created?

National Labour Union of Morocco was created in 1973.

What was the First organized labor union in th us?

National Labor Union (NLU)

Did the national labor relations act create the first union for government employees?

Did the national labor relatons act create the first union for government employees?