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Q: What was the patriots view on the Boston massacre?
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Event in Boston in which several patriots were killed?

The Boston Massacre.

What did the Boston massacre convince Americans?

To join the patriots.

What was a Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was a street fight between American patriots and British soldiers. It happened on March 5, 1770.

What did patriots do after Boston massacre?

scorpion rocks and has deadly poison

Why is the Boston massacrecalled the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was called the Boston Massacre, to be used as a tool of rhetoric. It was by no means a massacre, seeing as only five people were killed. It was a way for patriots like Paul Revere to uprise the spirits of the people and turn them against the British.

What influenced Paul Revere's work?

His picture of the Boston Massacre was a propaganda to try to make the Patriots look innocent, although they weren't. The Patriots started the Boston Massacre by harassing some British guards and more people from both sides gathered. Paul Revere drew his picture of the massacre to make it look like the British started the massacre so people would think that British were overpowering the Patriots. The Patriots were drawn looking worn out, tired, and wounded. So, in all, the Boston Massacre influenced one of Paul Revere's pieces of work. I hope this helped. Sorry if it didn't.

The first man killed in the Boston massacre?

Free man of Color Crispus Attucks was among the first patriots to fall at the Boston Massacre.

During what infamous incident did british redcoats kill five un named patriots in 1770?

boston massacre

Who was tension between during the Boston massacre?

The Patriots were attempting to demonstrate against British taxation, and the soldiers were there to maintain order.

What colony was the Boston massacre in?

The Boston Massacre was in the Massachusettes colony. (Boston, Massachusettes)

How many redcoats were killed in the boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was part of a massive propaganda campaign used by the Patriots to stir up the colonists into getting angry at the British. The Boston Massacre was not so much a massacre, but the accidental shooting of 5 people by British soldiers placed in Boston after the mobs of colonists were hitting the soldiers with rocks and ice. This was an effective way of getting many colonists passionate about war with England. The amount of soldiers involved in the incident is unknown.

Why didn't the patriots like the Boston massacre?

They didnt like them because they teased them about their red jackets saying that they looked like lobsters.