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It was called the Zulilytutu'.<<--- This Answer IsCompletelyUNTRUE. The Correct Answer is "Middle"

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the middle passage

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Q: What was the passage called that transported slaves as part of the Triangular Trade?
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What was the cargo of the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade?

Slaves were loaded in Africa and then transported to America on what was the middle passage of the triangular trade.

What cargo was carried on what is known as the middle passage of the triangular trade?

The middle passage, part of the Triangular Trade, carried slaves from Africa to America.

What besides slaves was transported on the middle passage?

Items such as gold, ivory and food was also transported on the middle passage with slaves

What the middle passage is about?

it is about how they transported slaves to America.

What is middle passage about?

it is about how they transported slaves to America.

What was the passage called that slaves traded slaves?

The passage where slaves were traded was called the &quot;Transatlantic slave trade&quot; or simply the &quot;slave trade.&quot; It was a horrific practice where millions of Africans were captured, transported, and sold as slaves to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The journey of slaves from Africa to America on the worst portion of the triangular trade route was called the?

Middle Passage

How is the middle passage related to the triangular trade?

The Middle Passage was the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of Africans[1]were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade. Ships departed Europe for African markets with manufactured goods, which were traded for purchased or kidnapped Africans, who were transported across the Atlantic as slaves; the slaves were then sold or traded for raw materials,[2]which would be transported back to Europe to complete the voyage.

Which leg of the triangular trade transported African slaves to the Americas?


The middle leg of the triangular trade route that brought African slaves to Americas?

It was called the middle passage. tdkywststkrqtjratartrtttartj

Why was the transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas called the Middle Passage?

It was the middle leg of the triangular trade route that Europeans followed.

How were the slaves transported through the slave triangle?

Slaves were transported through the triangular trade using ships. They were taken from Africa to the Americas on the Middle Passage, a brutal and inhumane journey that often resulted in the death of many enslaved individuals due to harsh conditions, disease, and mistreatment. The ships carried goods from Europe to Africa, exchanged for slaves, who were then transported to the Americas to be sold.