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Q: What was the outcome of the pre industrial way of manufacturing?
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How did mob football reflect pre-industrial Britain?

The focus on small rural communities in pre-industrial Britain was the basis for mob football. It was used as a way for the people to gather, celebrate, and just have some communal fun. The Industrial Revolution led to extensive flight from these communities to the city and devalued the importance of mob football.

How did the industrial revolution change the way Americans produced goods?

The industrial revolution revolutionized the way Americans produced goods by transitioning from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing. This led to increased efficiency, productivity, and scale of production. It also resulted in the development of new industries, such as textiles, steel, and mechanized farming, which transformed the American economy and contributed to its rapid growth and urbanization.

Why was urban development of colinial south slow?

The economy depended on the huge plantations which took up vast lands for crops. It began this way and stayed. Because of the lack of industrial development this was a problem for the south durning the civil war. They didn't have the factories that the north had and this affected the outcome of the war. Even today the industrial factors are smaller in the south and since many of the mills have closed it has gotten worse.

The revolution that changed the way people worked was the?

The Industrial Revalution

How did the water wheel affect the Industrial Revolution?

the water wheel changed the industrial revolution akot. this was a cheaper way to make electricity and cheaper.

Related questions

What emerged from the Industrial Revolution?

The start of the modern way of manufacturing goods, and urbanization.

What was the title given to the way that power driven machines replaced hand tools in manufacturing?

Industrial Revolution .

How did mayans built their house without using machine?

The same way that all pre-industrial civilizations did; by hand.

What are the Differences between pre-industrial and industrial society?

Pre-industrial societies relied on agriculture and handcrafting, had limited technology, and were primarily rural. In contrast, industrial societies are characterized by mass production, urbanization, advanced technology, and a shift towards service-based economies. Industrial societies also led to increased social mobility and changed the way people worked and lived.

How did mob football reflect pre-industrial Britain?

The focus on small rural communities in pre-industrial Britain was the basis for mob football. It was used as a way for the people to gather, celebrate, and just have some communal fun. The Industrial Revolution led to extensive flight from these communities to the city and devalued the importance of mob football.

When was the galaxy Milky Way founded?

The Milky Way is right there in the sky for anyone to see - especially in rural and pre-industrial areas without artificial lighting. No one "found" it.

What is life without machines?

Life without machines would be much more labor-intensive and slower. Many basic tasks that we take for granted, such as transportation, communication, and manufacturing, would be significantly more difficult or time-consuming. While it is possible to survive without machines, our modern society and way of life would be drastically altered without them.

What is meant by proto-industiralisation?

Proto-industrialization is a phase in the modern industrial economics that paved way to proper industrialization. The period was characterized by the spread of domestic manufacturing that linked people to international markets.

What jobs can you get with a masters degree in industrial engineering?

Any management position on a Manufacturing company, it could be from Engineering, production, manufacture, quality, etc to all the way to Plant manger or company regional management. even if its not a manufacturing company it will place you in a good position on any company, in this career you see many classes that a good to work in other places that are not related to Manufacturing

What is industrial morale?

what is the way for increasing industrial morale

How did the industrial revolution change the way Americans produced goods?

The industrial revolution revolutionized the way Americans produced goods by transitioning from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing. This led to increased efficiency, productivity, and scale of production. It also resulted in the development of new industries, such as textiles, steel, and mechanized farming, which transformed the American economy and contributed to its rapid growth and urbanization.

What is the proper way to write the word pre-ejaculate?
