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Q: What was the original Roman Empire New Years before Julius Caesar had it changed in 46 BC?
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Who was Julius Caesar and why do you care?

Julius Caesar was the ruler of the roman empire

What empire did Julius Caesar rule for?

The Roman Empire

How do you put empire in a sentence?

Julius Caesar ruled over a vast empire. The Empire was the villainous government in the Original Star Wars Trilogy. Use it as a noun.

What empire did Julius Caesar rule over?

the roman empire.

What was Julius Caesar largest empire?

He only can ONE empire..

Was Julius Caesar the first ruler of the roman empire?

No, Julius Caesar was the last dictator of the Roman republic. The man called the first ruler of the Roman empire or the first emperor was Augustus Caesar, the adopted son of Julius.

What type of government was there during Julius Caesar's rule?

When Julius Caesar ruled the ancient Roman empire it was a dictatorship.

Who was Julius Caesar octavianus?

Augustus, who was born Gaius Octavius, was the founder of the Roman Empire. He served as Emperor of the Roman Empire for 41 years.

Did Caesar rule the Persia empire?

Yes, Julius Caesar did rule Rome. :)

Which ancient civilization had Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar as famous leaders?

Ancient Rome obviously. Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic.

When was Julius Caesar assasanated?

After ruling the Roman Empire for a while Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC .-. .-.( ; )-. ( ;(); ).-.) ( ; )(:)( ; ) (:) ( ; ) (:) .-'._.`-. / `. _,,...._ | /`-. . |```````.```-. | | `.__.| | `-.`. | | == \=| | `.\ .--.---'-----\ \ // | \\_ .' `.\ _:,----. \ /------. | __..---'' .' )) /. \ \__/ / \ `. __..---''_..--''-'' .' // ,' `----' | \__..,--''__...--'' .' ; : | | _....--'' _...--'' .-. /- .' |_ \ __..--'' _,.,..--': | / .(_\ /_.+-+-+..___ .' `-,._.-'' _,..---'. `.+.+ +.+ ) / ) <( + + + .-.-./ ( _.-'' ' / `. (+ + + + + (_// `+MJP..( (( (| ;" .' ; `. + + + + ._(_/) ''' __\ \\ \\ ; .' .-' ``-----'+'+' (_/ '| ..---'' `-'`-'`._.' _..-'\ | /\ /\ . ' `-- '--' \ | / ) / \ | / | \ _,,-; `'- -.: | | .---. .-------. _.-' _,' `. _` (_.-' `.((=#=#=#=#) _.-' `. \ \ ((=#=#=#=) .-' . -. ( \ \ (#=#=#=#______..-' / `.(_.' \ ' /' \ . =#=#= .' | . / /' \ _^_ . #= / | \ / ' \ \ .' `.\ ( \ . . ; `. \/ \ `. \ .\ | ' | (o ) `. / `-.__\. _ . | ' |\ /| `. ,' `. . ( \ | | | ,| | `----' | | / `\ `. `-' .' | | / | |/ | .' '--\.,-' | | | .-'/ \ / | | `. / .' ) / | | `. / / | |+. /+ | | `. / / | | `+.+' | .-.| | / / | | / |'.-.| / / ---. | / '' | *-.| | `--._ | '. | `,| | _> | .' | | (_(_`-------' |' | | | | |.-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. | _.-' |.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'.-.`-'_.-' ' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'

Was Julius Caesar an emperor (Yes or no)?

Yes because Julius Caesar was once Emperor of the Roman Empire which included Britain