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ArAbIc LaUnGuAgE

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Q: What was the only written language in West Africa?
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How do you know the history of early west Africa if there were no written history?

Arabic was the only language so the Muslims recorded their history from spain and arbaia

Where in Africa is Spanish an an official language?

Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language, along with French and Portuguese.

What is the only colony in Africa?

Morocco's West Sahara.

What is the only country in west Africa that is not a colony?

Liberia. (Since the 1970's there haven't been any Colonies in West Africa, though).

What is the only country in west Africa that was never a colony?


What is west Africas only island country?

Cape Verde is west Africa's only island country.

What country in Southern Africa does not speak Spanish as its primary language?

ALL of the countries in Southern Africa do not speak Spanish as their primary language. The only Spanish-speaking country in Africa is Equatorial Guinea, which is in Central Africa.

When did slavery originate in west Africa?

Slavery goes back as far as History not only in West Africa but all over the world and it is still with us.

What is xhosa language?

This is a very ancient language spoken by some natives of South Africa. It uses a click made in the mouth and written as ! (the exclamation point in English). The click is found only in the most ancient languages.

Only for you in korean language?

"Only for you" is written as "dangsin man-ui" in the Korean language.

Where did Portugal have colonies in Africa?

Mozambique (South-east Africa), Angola (South-west Africa), and Guinea-Bissau (West Africa).

What country in central Africa starts with the letter a?

Algeria and Angola are the only countries in Africa that begin with the letter A. Algeria is located in north-west corner of Africa. Angola is located in the south-west area of Africa.