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Q: What was the nationality of the doctor who inoculated catherine the great against smallpox?
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What does the smallpox vaccine have to do with cows?

The smallpox vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner, an English physician. He noticed that dairywomen who had caught cowpox - a related disease - did not catch smallpox. So he inoculated people with weakened cowpox, their bodies built up the antibodies to cowpox which then also protected them against smallpox.Cowpox is known as Variolae Vaccinae (vacca = cow in Latin) and hence the name.

How many wars was Catherine the great in?

Catherine the Great was in at least two wars against Turkey.

Can you get smallpox more than once?

No. After you get a disease like smallpox, your body is able to develop permanent defenses against it. This makes you "Immune" to the disease. This is the principle on which vaccines work.

Was smallpox on the first fleet?

Smallpox was on the First Fleet in the form of bottles of dried innoculation materials. Such material was used to protect people against smallpox before Jenner's vaccination became available. No case of active smallpox disease was reported during the First Fleet voyage. However a seamen from the First Fleet caught smallpox (from local natives) over a year after arrival at Sydney Cove.

Who was Cotton Mather?

In the spring of 1721, the people of Boston were alarmed by the news that there were several cases of smallpox in town. They knew that the disease could spread like wildfire and that a great many people would suffer or die from the dreadful illness. Cotton Mather, a religious leader from Boston, had read about a new process that could provide a defense against the killer disease. It was called inoculation, and involved putting infected matter from a smallpox sore into a cut made in a healthy person's skin. Nearly all physicians in the community opposed the inoculation of healthy people, because the process actually gave those inoculated a milder case of the disease. They saw it as a means of spreading the already disastrous epidemic among even greater numbers of people. Finally, however, Mather and a few of his followers won out. While thousands fled to the countryside and others lay suffering and dying, they proceeded to inoculate many of the townspeople. By the time the epidemic was over, 240 persons had been inoculated and only 6 of them had died. Thanks to the scientific interest of Cotton Mather, a new defense against smallpox had been found.

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How did lady Mary wortley Montague help prevent dieseas caused by micro organisms?

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu is credited with introducing and promoting the practice of variolation, a precursor to vaccination, in Western Europe. She observed the practice in the Ottoman Empire and had her own children inoculated against smallpox. This helped to prevent the spread of the disease and contributed to the eventual development of smallpox vaccination.

To inoculate for example against smallpox?


What does the smallpox vaccine have to do with cows?

The smallpox vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner, an English physician. He noticed that dairywomen who had caught cowpox - a related disease - did not catch smallpox. So he inoculated people with weakened cowpox, their bodies built up the antibodies to cowpox which then also protected them against smallpox.Cowpox is known as Variolae Vaccinae (vacca = cow in Latin) and hence the name.

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What type of smallpox immunization was used in 1940?

Immunization against smallpox has, for centuries, been infection with live vaccinia virus.

Who was first to innoculate against smallpox?

A doctor named Jenner.

What year was the smallpox medicine invented?

Edward Jenner developed vaccine against smallpox in 1798. He used cowpox virus containing fluid for the same.

What was the smallpox vaccine called?

The smallpox vaccine is an injection to prevent one from contracting smallpox. It has been used to help the body to develop immunity against the disease.

Who is the patron saint for miscarriages?

Both Catherine of Siena and Catherine of Sweden are the patron saints against miscarriages.

Who was the inventor of the vaccine against smallpox and concluded that a person inflicted with cowpox disease will not be inflicted anymore by smallpox?

An English doctor by the name of Edward Jenner. He noticed that milkmaids got cowpox which was similar to smallpox, but much milder, and after a milkmaid had had cowpox, she did not get smallpox. So Dr Jenner tried to scratch the skin of volunteers with a needle dipped in to cowpox germs. The volunteer got a transient mild illness and did not get smallpox after vaccination. When Dr Jenner's vaccine was shown to be so effective, vaccination against smallpox became compulsory. Smallpox is now almost entirely eradicated and most counties stopped making smallpox vaccination compulsory in the late 70s and early 80s.

How many wars was Catherine the great in?

Catherine the Great was in at least two wars against Turkey.

Can you get smallpox more than once?

No. After you get a disease like smallpox, your body is able to develop permanent defenses against it. This makes you "Immune" to the disease. This is the principle on which vaccines work.