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The party was called the Bull Moose Party.

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Q: What was the name the political 3rd party founded by Theodore Roosevelt?
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Which political party founded by Theodore Roosevelt divided the Republican vote in 1912 and allowed a Democrat to be elected President?

that would be the Progressive party. HIHIHIHI BUTTFACEDICKHEAD

Who founded the Progressive Party after losing the Republican Nomination?

Theodore Roosevelt.

What political party was most associated with Theodore roosevelt?

the bulle moose party

What political party most closely associated with Theodore Roosevelt?

the bulle moose party

Who 1912 presidential candidate started the Progressive?

Theodore Roosevelt started the Progressive Party.

Which political part did Theodore roosevelt respresent in the 1912 presidential election?

The Progressive Party

What political parties was MOST closely associated with Theodore Roosevelt?

the bulle moose party

What was Roosevelt's political party?

Theodore Roosevelt was the Republican candidate for Vice President in 1900 and for President in 1904, and he was the Progressive Party candidate for President in 1912. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the Democratic Party Candidate for Vice President in 1920 and for President in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944.

What 1912 presidential candidate started the progressives party?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which national political party was the first to support suffrage for women?

Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive (Bull Moose) Party became the first national political party to have a plank supporting women suffrage

What was Theodore Roosevelt's politlcal party?

Republican party