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Q: What was the name of the reform movement in the early 1900s concerned with curing problems of urbanization and industrialization?
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Reformers in the progressive Era were concerned about problems associated with?


What was a major similarity between the social reform movement in the romantic movement in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Both developed as responses to problems created by industrialization.

What were long-term effects of industrization on societes?

A few long term effects of industrialization on the modern world were more jobs and people, a rise in productivity, urbanization, health problems, pollution.

Why did radical republicans begin to lose power?

Quote from similar Question Southern white males became re-enfranchised, while Northern voters became less concerned with the problems of the newly-freed slaves and more concerned with the problems of industrialization - monopolies, abuse of working people, rise of the super-wealthy, etc.

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What solutions to urban problems did the the settlement house movement purpose?

providing housing to those who could not provide one for themselves, teaching about health, and learning about the problems caused by urbanization firsthand to help create more solutions.

What solution to urban problems did the settlement-house movement purpose?

providing housing to those who could not provide one for themselves, teaching about health, and learning about the problems caused by urbanization firsthand to help create more solutions.

What did progressives believe was the cause of many social problems?

Progressives believed that industrialization, urbanization, and immigration were the main causes of many social problems in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They argued that these rapid changes led to poor working conditions, income inequality, and rampant corruption in politics and business, all of which contributed to social problems.

How is urbanization affected by business?

1. Business brings in the people that make a city grow Business fuels urbanization. 2. Business can bring pollution problems. 3. Business fuels urbanization.

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How has industrialization caused problems for humans?

industrialization has cause many environmental problems, such as deforestation, global warming, green house, air pollution, .etc. Industrialization causes new diseases and cancers such as launch cancer.

What was Progressivism a reaction to?

Progressivism was a reaction to social, political, and economic problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, and immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It aimed to address issues such as political corruption, monopolistic business practices, and social inequality through government intervention and social reform.