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Q: What was the name of the first colony set up in America?
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What did Americans call the part of America where they set up their first colony?

Was England the first country to set up a colony in America?

No. The first colonies in America were set up by the Spanish.

Which nation set up the first colony in North America?

Spain was the first country to claim land in North America.

What colony set up the first tax supported public schools in British North America?

The first colony that set up a tax-supported public schools in British North America was Aurora city schools.

What were the very first European People known to have set up a colony that survived in North America for at least a short time?

The very first European People known to have set up a colony that survived in North America were the Vikings

Why was Delaware a good colony?

It was the first official place the pilgrims set foot on America.

Which colony set up the first tax supported school?

The first colony that set up a tax-supported public schools in British north America was Aurora city schools.

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What colony was set up first Jamestown or Roanoke?

Roanoke was the first English colony attempted in 1585, but it ultimately failed. Jamestown, established in 1607, became the first successful enduring English colony in North America.

Thia state had America's first printing press?

In 1638, Mrs. Glover set up America's first press at the Massachusetts Colony's new college

When did Walter Raleigh set up the Norrth America colony?

Queen Elizabeth I chose Walter Raleigh to set up a colony in North America in 1584

Who was the first slave to set foot in America?

The first African slaves arrived in the English colony of Virginia in 1619. It is not known who the very first slave to set foot in America was specifically, as historical records from that time are incomplete.