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Q: What was the name of the colors that fought in the Russian revolution?
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What was the name used by Russian Communists which stood for the bloodshed of violent revolution?

The "October Revolution" is another name, but not a 'nickname' of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, the October Revolution has come to be the preferred, perhaps even formal, historical name for the event in order to distinguish the Bolshevik Revolution from the one that occurred in February (Russian calendar) which has come to be known as the February Revolution.

What was another name for the Russian Revolution of 1905?

There was no revolution in Russia in 1905. There was the Russian Bloody Sunday,but that was just a tragic event, not a war.

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Revolutionary War

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The last name of the Russian tsar before the Russian Revolution was Romanov.

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These would be Hessians.

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Molly Pitcher.

What are the two sides to the Russian revolution and what were their colors?

The 1917 Russian Revolution was made up of the February Revolution, in which Czar Nicholas II was deposed and the Czarist regime overthrown, and the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, took power in their own name and eventually changed their name to Communists. There was also a revolution in 1905, which accomplished little more than establishment of the Russian Duma, a weak parliamentary style governing body. Czar Nicholas retained most power in government.

What is the name of the former Russian National Assembly that was indirectly elected by the people that was dissoved during the Russian Revolution of 1917?

The Duma.

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From the guys who fought in the American Revolution on the side of America.

What is the old name of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic?

"Russia" or "the Russian Empire" was the old name of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. Immediately after the October Revolution of 1917, the ruling Bolsheviks changed the name.

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