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The Comstock Lode

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Q: What was the name of the big gold and silver strike in Nevada in 1859?
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What two precious metal discoveries in 1859 helped the Union fund the US Civil War?

The US beginning in 1859 began to benefit from gold and silver discoveries. In the Far West the Pike's Peak gold rush of 1859 in Colorado caused many Americans to migrate there in search of fortunes. In the same year the Comstock silver strike in Nevada touched off another migration to the US frontier.

Was the gold rush in Nevada?

Nevada is the Silver State, so more silver was discovered than gold.

When was the first big strike of Gold in California?

Nevad was the first silver strike and California was the first gold strike. Nevad was the first silver strike and California was the first gold strike.

What are some natural resources of Nevada?

Nevada has 2 nautral resources is silver n gold

Why is Nevada such a good place to mine gold and silver?

Because Nevada has those ores. 0_o

Where is comstock lode located in the US map?

The Comstock Lode was first made public in 1859. it was named after a man named after Henry Comstock who had claimed it was his land when two Irish miners panned and found gold. Comstock sold out early and only made a small amount of money.

What state has major deposits of gold and silver?

The true answer is Nevada

What state drove gold and silver miners to in the 1860?


What reason did people go to Nevada?

for gold,silver,and turquoise

How does Nevada earn money?

Casino's and Gold and Silver mining

What are some important products in Nevada?

Gold, silver, cattle.

The Comstock Lode was the name given to?

gold and silver deposits in Nevada