The alliance between Hitler, Mussolini, and Kurusu - Japan's foreign ambassador - was formed on September 27, 1940. It came to be known as the Tripartite (German; Literally; "Three Party") Pact.
Other names included were:
Tripartite Alliance
Axis Pact
Three-Way Pact
Benito Mussolini
Mussolini and the Italian Army invaded Ethiopia (it had a different name at the time) because he wanted their oil and so did Adolph Hitler. Mussolini had imperialist asperations too.
Mussolini was ideologically close to Hitler, but he waited until he thought the Nazi Germans were winning the war before joining in. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong about who was eventually going to win.
World War I - the Triple Alliance. World War II - the Axis.
Benito Mussolini's whole name was Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.
Hilter's full name was Adolf Hitler. Mussolini's full name was Benito Mussolini. Hilter was from Germany and Mussolini was from Italy.
Hitler and Mussolini, to name two.
Benito Mussolini
Mussolini and the Italian Army invaded Ethiopia (it had a different name at the time) because he wanted their oil and so did Adolph Hitler. Mussolini had imperialist asperations too.
The leaders was: Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier and Chamberlain
He did not have an Empire name as such, however he wanted to try and recreate a bigger/better Holy Roman Empire with Adolf Hitler.
Mussolini was ideologically close to Hitler, but he waited until he thought the Nazi Germans were winning the war before joining in. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong about who was eventually going to win.
Human Remains (1998)
Alessandro and Rosa Mussolini
World War I - the Triple Alliance. World War II - the Axis.
It was the Tripartite Pact and included Japan/== Axis - In 1937, Hitler extended an inviation for Mussolini to visit Germany. Count Galeazzo Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law and minister of Foriegn Affairs, cleared the way for a meeting. Italy and Germany signed a secret pact promising Italian cooperation on many diplomatic issues. Mussolini accepted the invitation to visit German and referred to their alliance as a Berlin-Rome "axis".On 23 September, 1937, Mussolini boarded a train for his 5-day trip to Germany where they finalized their pact.