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The German Worker's party.

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Q: What was the name of the NSDAP before Hitler?
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Who was Adolf Hitler and what was the name of his political party?

He was fuhrer, leader of NSDAP.

What was the name of the Nazi party that Hitler helped to form?

NSDAP: National Socialistischer Abeiters Partei.

What was Hitler's party officially called?

The official name in German was the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (abbreviated NSDAP).

When did Hitler become the NSDAP leader?

On 30th Januray 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of a coalition government of the NSDAP-DNVP-Centre Party. From there he rose to power.

What political part or group Hitler was in?

Hitler was affiliated with the NSDAP, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialists, the Nazis).

What was The real name of the Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party?

Nazi Party is the real name of the Hitler's political party. EDIT OF ANSWER: Hitler's political party really was called the Nazi Party, but its official name is NSDAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist German Worker's Party.

What did Hitler do about the inflation in Germany in 1920?

Nothing as he wasnt the leader of the Naziparty(NSDAP) yet.

What political party did Hitler spy on and where did he go?

Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) which later became the NSDAP

What was the name of the G erman priminister at the time of world war 2?

Hitler was the Preisdent, Chancellor and leader of the NSDAP. He was effectively the prime minister, president or general ruler

What was Hitler's political party name?

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.

What did alois hitler change his last name to?

He changed his name to Hitler, before that his last name was Schicklgruber.

What was Adolf Hitler the leader of?

He was the leader of Germany, 1933-1945, and of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), 1921-1945.