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The Great Crash of 1929

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It was referred to as Black Tuesday.

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Black Tuesday

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Q: What was the name of th stock market crash in 1929?
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Why is black Tuesday so important in history?

It is the name used for the date of the worst stock market crash in American history- October 29, 1929

What is the name for the sudden fall in prices especially on the stock market?

Market Crash

What was the name given to the day the stock market crashed in 1929?

black tuesday

What was the name of the financial era that followed the stock market crash?

The great depression.

Name and explain one cause of the Great Depression?

Question: Name and explain one cause of the Great Depression? The stock market crash of 1929. During the 1920s the U.S. stock market underwent a historic expansion. ... Banking panics and monetary contraction. ... The gold standard. ... Decreased international lending and tariffs.

What name was given to the day before the stock market crash when the market plummeted but was able to recover?

Black Thursday

Who was a comic star who was wiped out financially by the stock market crash?

His name is Groucho Marx

Who was a comic star that got wiped out financially by the stock market crash?

His name is Groucho Marx

How was JCPenney affected by the stock market crash?

Due to his industrious nature, James Cash Penney was offered a partnership in a Golden Rule store he worked in as a salesman. He eventually bought out the two other partners, changed the name to JC Penney, and owned the store in earnest. He lost all of his money during the Stock Market Crash of 1929. He had to borrow money off his life insurance to pay his workers.

What happened on black Thursday?

Black Thursday is a term used to describe what happened on Wall Street on October 24, 1929. On that day the stock market took a huge plunge from panicked traders selling record numbers of shares. This action eventually caused it to crash.

What was the name given to the day the stock market crashed?

black Fridayhah more like the great depression i think=]Answer:The Crash of 1929 is usually dated to October 29, 1929, which is called "Black Tuesday". (The name "Black Friday" refers to a lot of things, but not to any market crash.) On "Black Tuesday", the stock prices tracked by the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 11.7%--the third largest percentage drop in history. The crash had begun on the 23rd and the 28th actually had a larger drop, but the 29th is remembered as a day of capitulation and panic.October 28, 1929 was known as "Black Monday" for decades, until the name was taken away by the even more spectacular crash of October 19, 1987, which still holds the record for the largest one-day percentage drop.

What name is often given to the wall street crash in 1929?

the wall street crash by any chance?