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The slaves in ancient Rome wore the same clothing as anyone else., tunic, belt, cloak, shoes and sandals. The appearance and quality of these articles of clothing depended on the wealth of their master or on how much the slave was willing to take out of his savings to buy himself things. A wealthy person, prided himself on the appearance of his household and possessions so generally his slaves were well dressed. The slaves who worked the farms were not so fashionable and usually had clothing of coarser materials. By law the master of a farm slave had to give them certain articles of clothing each year. There is a story, that at one time, someone brought up a resolution in the senate that the slaves should only wear distinctive clothing, but it was voted down, because then the slaves would know how strong they were in numbers and might start a revolution.

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8y ago
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13y ago

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

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10y ago

The slaves in ancient Rome dressed the same as everyone else, tunic and cloak and shoes for outdoors. The city domestic slaves though, were better dressed than their farm working brethren as most urban masters liked to flout their wealth and a well dressed slave was part of a rich man's image.

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11y ago

Slave women wore shaggy dresses that were usually tan with a brown belt and no shoes. The men wore something similar but not so much as a dress.

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13y ago

Type as a question "What did Roman slaves wear?" and you will find the answer.

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13y ago

Nothing more than the equivalent to a cloth sack. If you were rich you could afford to cloth you slave with something a little nicer.

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13y ago

The clothing of a Roman slave had no particular name. He/she wore the standard dress of anyone else, except the men could not wear togas.

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12y ago

Loincloths or tunics

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